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The Introverted Extrovert

Inside the mind of a psychotic weirdo -- Enzo

Sunday, January 25, 2004

Print. Print. Print. That's what I've been doing the past few nights (except last night of course, which was the LTS). That's about 90 pages I've printed, in full color, my printer must be very happy (and tired) because of all this attention.

I didn't sleep last night. Again. But the LTS was fun (the short part of it that I was able to attend in anyway). Most especially fun, was the bonding, just imagine 13 of us in one room for 3 hours and all we were doing was SINGING. Videoke is soooooooooo much fun! I have to remember to do it more often... :D

So sleepy... can't... write... time... to.. sleep....


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