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The Introverted Extrovert

Inside the mind of a psychotic weirdo -- Enzo

Saturday, October 02, 2004


(wow, I'm on a posting spree.. hehe oh well, I'm not sure if I have any other poems stored there though... I was going to post one by Kat, but I'm not sure where I placed it a while ago.)

Two souls joined, heart to heart, love for love,
Joined by God from high above.
Their lives have crosses, their souls entwined.
They are one, in soul and mind.

Their love comes from God above,
Without whom we couldn't think nor love
His love He gives through family and friends.
Their love for us - it knows no ends.

These two are fortunate for they have found,
The trust and the love that makes them bound.
Many seek but have yet to find this treasure,
The value of which we all cannot measure.

Their bon, their love, cannot be broken.
Their hearts, with each other, can't be stolen.
so strong their love that even when questioned,
Only love, no hate, is mentioned.

When together, one can truly see,
that those two were meant to be.
But don't despair, I should say, too
that, truly, there is also one meant for you.

(Hmm when did I write this? I'm not sure anymore.. about the time I wrote the other I think? maybe a couple of weeks after..)


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