Me, on Love...
Let's do this a bit different... I'll be rambling from here on...
What is love anyway? Care? Doing anything for someone else? What is it? What does it entail? Well, love can be directed at many different people: A friend, an enemy, a total stranger and a lot of others. But let's focus on the thing that many people, my age or otherwise, are quite confused over. The love that seems to make us do crazy things for just one person. The love that can make you be in your highest high or lowest low in a matter of seconds with just a mere utter of 'yes' or 'no'. Yes, the love that many people try to find all their lives starting their teen years. I don't exaclty know how to term it. Romantic love? Love between a man and woman? Something like that... And an addition.. is it possible to love two people at the same time?
At any rate..
Many term love as a feeling. One that lasts longer than any mere physical attraction. Something inside of you pushing you, telling you that you like this girl, and you should go for it. But the thing is, you never really know with feelings. I mean, if you haven't exeprienced it, how do you know if it really is love? I've heard people say "You just know". And well, that could be true, but what if you think that and realize that you thought wrong? So you just go and break up? That'll hurt both of you, especially if the other is still feeling the same way. But let's not get into that. My point is, feelings are not tangible, so there's no way to actually be sure of it. It could just be infatuation or something. The feeling could've been there for a fleeting moment, but then it was gone. Is that love? Maybe, but it really won't do anything right? I think that there's more to love than just that. Love as a feeling, it just doesn't hold long enough. Will it last the rest of your lives? or will it just be a short fling, dooomed to crash down in flames? I don't think love should be like that. Love is intangible, and it should be eternal. Fine, I admit I really don't know what love is, just because that it is a feeling more than anything else, but the point I'm making is in another realm of this 'love' business. And that's in relationships.
I believe that this love should not be left as a feeling. One might act on it, but leaves it still as a feeling. I think that at this point, one must not only act, but make a choice. A firm resolve to love. That choice will be the one that keeps you together forever. The feeling may change and develop, but it will go through hard times where it will be doubted. At times, it might even disappear, but, the decision will always be there and, in time, the feeling will come back, more mature and developed. Other 'loves' might come along the way, but the choice will make you stay. But, like any rock, a choice can be broken. There are definitely some times that the feeling was really not love, but this is one of the hardest decisions to make. A decision that requires many days of thinking, making sure of things...
Now you may ask, what if this feeling is one way? First you have to find out. Try first before anything else. Now if it really is just one way, then either wait for her to change, or go looking somewhere else. It might hurt a lot, but it's really of no use to keep on trying to have a relationship with someone who doesn't feel the same way, or never will. Just move on. A love will come to you some time who will love you back. that's the time you both can make the choice.
[Grabe ramblings talaga 'to.. Dami akong incoherent thoughts dyan.. ah well...]